The Office Manager's guide to juggling social media and other tasks
A busy office manager can hardly find the time to manage social media accounts on top of their day-to-day job. Here are some tips to save as much time as possible.
Nowadays it is very important to be present on social media. Companies use social media to attract customers and create brand awareness. For Recruitment & Selection Offices, social media is even more interesting, as the platforms can also be used to recruit future employees or fill job vacancies for clients.
Unfortunately, a busy office manager does not always have time to spare on inventing content, publishing posts, and engaging customers on social media. Luckily, there are solutions.
This article discusses some tips and tricks to save time and to help you build your social media strategy efficiently.
Build a social media marketing strategy
First and foremost, it is important to build a social media marketing strategy. Your social media marketing goals should correspond with your company’s objectives. These goals must follow the S.M.A.R.T principle:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Relevant
- Time-bound
A S.M.A.R.T. goal could be, for example: “We want to use LinkedIn as a recruitment tool and increase the number of people clicking through to our website in the next quarter.”
It is important that you have a strategy in place for each network. This mission statement should sum up which specific goal you focus on for that network in one sentence. For example: “We use Facebook as a customer support platform, so that our mailbox and telephone line are spared.” If you cannot come up with a mission statement for a platform, it might not be a good fit for your company.
💡TIP: If you are new to social media, limit the number of platforms you use. You can always add an extra network if you have the others figured out or notice a segment of your audience is missing from one platform.
The right, meaningful measuring tools will help you to follow up on these goals. This will save you time when you need to adjust your social media strategy.
To learn more about the social media plan, read this article.

Gather information about your audience
Once you know your audience better, you can use the information that you’ve learned about them to engage with them better. It will be easier to shed light on the audience’s preferred themes and subjects.
Your target audience is the red line in your communication. Knowledge about your audience will save you time when choosing the right ideas to create content about.
Create a social media content calendar
A useful asset to save time when implementing your social media strategy is the social media calendar.

A social media calendar helps you to plan the coming weeks or months, makes sure you never have an empty space in your online presence and gives you the time to prepare everything beforehand. By knowing what and when you will post, you will be less stressed and lose less time. Your social media posts will be more efficient and of a higher quality, and you will get more insight and control.
A content calendar will make sure your audience is always engaged, without being overwhelmed by posts. It is important to choose a frequency that works for you. It is not necessary to post every day to keep your audience interested, but you do not want to lose their interest either.
If you want to get some specific tips on how to plan for LinkedIn posts, read this article.
💡TIP: Holidays and events should not be left out of your social media calendar.
A recruitment office, for instance, shouldn't only post open job vacancies. To keep your audience engaged, it is important to find a good content mix of publicity, own content, and curated content.

💡TIP: The Willow calendar indicates the best times to post on every network. In addition, you can evaluate this by viewing how your posts performed on each platform by using the Willow analytics tools.
Content curation is your friend
To ease your workload, you can use content curation. This means that you look for interesting articles on external websites, identify them, add value and share this on your social media.
Not only will this ensure that you have to produce less content, it also gives your customers access to new angles and insights, and shows your expertise in your sector.
The following article provides examples and a workable plan to start with content curation.
💡TIP: Use Willow’s easy tool to stay up to date on what influencers in your industry are saying. It is a quick and easy way to find content that fits your audience's needs.
Recycle published content
Recycling or republishing posts saves time and makes sure that important subjects find their way back to the spotlight. To create more traffic on your website or social media, you can recycle “old” articles with current topics.
With a new photo or new tag line, you give new life to an article without losing much time on it. It is also a way to fill up gaps in your content calendar.
This article discusses 25 ways to repurpose content.
Conclusion: Best practices for social media management
To summarize these are a few of the best practices for social media management that will save you time:
- Create a social media marketing strategy that corresponds with your business goals
- Create a social media content calendar to help you you create content on a consistent basis
- Use content curation to fill up your content calendar
- Recycle “old” but relevant articles