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How Immowi uses employees in their multi-channel social media approach

Centralized on its MyImmowi platform Immowi supports your online real estate campaigns and boost conversion.
Ilse Velema
Published On
January 2, 2024
"I recommend Willow to everyone."

This is not just something Anton says because it's what we want to hear. He has already connected several of his customers to Willow. Immowi is a data and software company specialized in lead generation for the real estate sector. "As a lead generation company, managing social media is often a drag. Willow is the perfect solution, everything can be easily automated." And that's exactly our goal: A consistent social media presence without the headaches. "We have already linked Willow to several customers because we are very satisfied with the way Willow works." By way of working, Anton mainly means the ease of the platform combined with the collaboration with their coach, Maureen.

The social media expert

Anton works together with Maureen, our social media expert, with whom he has a monthly coaching check-in. "Maureen is great. She gives her unvarnished opinion and we can always spar with her." Immowi's approach is multi-multi-channel. Immowi doesn't just use Willow to post on all their social media channels, all employees are also linked to the platform. "You can plan in advance which person communicates in what way. For example, we decided that a CEO communicates a little more formally and an employee of the marketing department a little more informal."


"We recommend Willow for easy content management and coaching. In addition, the pricing is very competitive: you get much more bang for your buck than if you were to hire a marketing agency." Together with coach Maureen, Immowi is working on their corporate branding. "Willow is a branding tool for us, we post about new customers, new product features or put specific projects in the spotlight." Maureen works with one person within Immowi who is responsible for the so-called 'Willow campaigns'. "He coordinates everything with the team and decides who will post what and how."

"We recommend Willow for easy content management and coaching. In addition, the pricing is very competitive."

Thanks Anton!

We are honored that the role, "Willow campaign manager", exists and we thank Anton for his encouraging words! Anton recommends future Willow users to thoroughly dive into all the features Willow offers. "The added value is in content inspiration since you're linked to so many different channels. However, you do have to know how everything works. In the beginning we hadn't linked many topics and influencers, so we missed out on a lot of content." We're happy Immowi is no longer missing any content.

About Immowi

Immowi increases sales by offering high-quality leads using a one-of-a-kind lead generation approach. Centralized on its MyImmowi platform where they support your online real estate campaigns and boost conversion. "There’s an oversupply on the Real Estate market, where everyone uses the same online channels to market their Real Estate projects. We don’t!" - Anton De Clerq.

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