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How to engage with your audience

To win on social media you actually have to be social. The number of page likes and followers means nothing if you can’t build a community of like-minded people who actually care.
Ludwig Dumont
Last Updated
October 22, 2021
Social media is a two-way street.

I’ll risk sounding like a broken record here, but social media IS all about the social. Interactions in the form of likes, comments, shares, and clicks are the micro-currency of social media. However, the truth is to win on social media you actually have to be social. The number of page likes and followers means nothing if you can’t build a community of like-minded people who actually care. The way to get there is by becoming part of the conversation.

To earn social media’s micro-currency, you need to invest in interactions and do some leg work. Let’s break this down. Interact with posts from top people and brands in your industry. This invites their attention and their followers’ attention to your social media.

Join LinkedIn groups or Facebook groups with like-minded people that can benefit your business.

If your clients post something on social media, interact with it.

Urge your immediate network to engage with your content right after you post it. Encourage them to go beyond just a like, and leave a genuine comment. This initial activity will cause social media algorithms to show your posts to more people.

Every time you comment on someone else’s posts extra pairs of eyeballs go to your business or personal direction. For best results, set 30 minutes to an hour in your schedules every week for this activity. Or if you’re already scrolling too much online anyway, make it a habit to engage instead of lurking.

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