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Growing your audience on LinkedIn

Every social media platform has its own specifics - what makes it different from the others. So it only makes sense that there would be some particular tips and tricks that work to grow your audience on each platform. Let's discover what the best practices are to increase your following on LinkedIn.
Virginie Dardenne
Last Updated
October 22, 2021

Add a "Follow" button to your website

Why should you have links to your social media on your website?

Adding a social media widget to your website is a wonderful & simple way to drive visitors to your website to your LinkedIn profile, as well. Website visitors can turn into followers with one simple click.

How to add a follow button to your website?

LinkedIn has created a page to help users assist in adding a follow button to their website. Here is information about how exactly to do so.

Growing your audience on LinkedIn

Imbed a link to your LinkedIn in your email signature

Why adding a link to your company's LinkedIn profile is beneficial to growing your audience?

Imagine how many people you email back and forth with in a day. These people are your ideal target audience; they care in one way or another about your company. They already know a bit about what you do, so there's a good chance that they'd also care about what you post.

What to do:

Edit your work signature to include a link that will redirect anyone who clicks on it to your company's LinkedIn profile.

Encourage executives and prominent members of your industry to mention your page

Urge higher-ups to interact with your content

The most prominent members of your team or company can be your greatest tool in growing a following. Their voices could be the most valuable, as they often have large networks. A great way to grow your page's following is to have the most important members of your company with the biggest networks talk about, link to and tag your company's LinkedIn page.

Utilize your employee's personal LinkedIn pages

Why are your employees an asset when it comes to growing your following on LinkedIn?

Every time someone finds themselves on one of your employees page, there is a chance that they will check out your company profile as well. Only if your employee has properly cited your company in their Experience section of LinkedIn. This is a simple way to multiply your page's potential viewership.

How to have your employees set up their LinkedIn page?

  • Cite your company in their header
  • Add a banner specifically designed for your company
  • Properly note your company in their work experience
Growing your audience on LinkedIn

Mention influencers and companies you admire in posts

When the opportunity presents itself, don't shy away from shouting out influencers, important figures, and influential companies in your industry.

It can never hurt to tag other users on social media. In fact, it almost always guarantees some new traffic to your page if you can get another user to repost something that you have tagged them in.

Be bold with your tagging! Don't be afraid to mention influential people and non-competing companies in your industry. If you are fortunate enough to have your content reshared to their page, you will now be visible to all of their followers.

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Growing your audience on Twitter
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